Together Water is Life Movement and Camps A Rising created the WaterWays Action Map. On this map you'll find Camps, Veterans Respond locations and Camps A Rising drop off sites.Water is Life Movement is proud to partner with Camps A Rising! 

Water is Life Movement is proud to partner with Camps A Rising! 

Camps A Rising- "When Camps A Rising began it was visioned to be an organization that allied with and supported our water protectors. Rather than being a front line organization it was to be part of the infrastructure that is well needed to move us away from fossil fuels."

"It did not take long to determine that a partnership with the Water Is Life Movement fit a need for both organizations and this growing movement. Camps A Rising deals with physical goods and Water Is Life Movement deals with the informational piece. Both are essential for growing a sustainable movement. Camps A Rising is pleased to partner with such an amazing organization."


More about Camps A Rising-

Camps A Rising is volunteer run, and exists to aid regional Water Protector Camps by collecting and distributing supplies where needed. Camps A Rising supports peaceful actions that will direct the fossil fuel industry toward proven renewable energy sources.

Members encourage friends, relatives and neighbors to donate new and used gear and supplies to Camps A Rising. Volunteers help establish local drop off sites for donations, which are then transported to regional supply depots. Camps A Rising then redistributes that gear to selected Water Protectors camps. An online database is available for camp leaders to request specific items. 

Local Camps A Rising affiliates supporting their own regional Water Protector Camps allow for the most efficient distribution of gear. Our goal is for an active network of drop off sites and supply depots supporting Water Protection Camps develop around the country. 

Even more info on Camps A Rising